Thursday, July 12, 2007


Hi there im back after a long and unforseen absence i hope u missed my posts if not sorry to here it. Anyway today i m going to talk about a touristic site in my country called Timbuktu (Tombouctou in french). The reason why i want to talk abot this beautifull place is that it made the finals for the selection of the 7 WONDERs IN THE WORLD. Unfortunetely it did not make the final 7. So i wanted to talk a bit about this place. Tombouctou is located at the north of Mali right south of the Sahara desert. Actually it is in a part of the Sahara desert. This place is a king passed there on his way to mecca and built a lot of mosque with dry mud. That was a long time ago in the 14 th century and still those mosque are still up, this place was at a time also full of knowledge had an university and all. They though islam because in the time only religion matter. Still there was some philosophers and all. I have personally never been there but if you are interested we can arrage a visit what do you think?

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