I actually enjoyed presenting in front of the all classroom. I was so not stress. No it's true. Okay i m lying. I was a bit stress. But because we knew each other it help me keep my composure and i have to admit that the stress made me forget some point. Nothing too important but it is okay. And i want to apologyse for some mistake i made while preparing for my presentation. First as Summer pointed out it is the magic lantern that is used for MOtion capture not green lantern. Green lantern is the name of an action hero. I deeply am sorry. Then in my presentation i called the phonograph a ponograph. Small mistake but still a mistake.
So i can say that as lilli pointed out you can not expect to do a research paper and a presentation at the last minute no matter how good you are or how well you know the subject. This was an excellent lesson for the future.
One thing i learn from the few presentation i have seen (i by the way would like to apologise for my absence but it was not deliberated trus me) is that i need to learn how to work with power point. A lot of thing you can do using this software.